Celebrating Charu: 1 year anniversary

Brand strategy insights

Charu Subramanian. Flywheel Strategy. 1 year anniversary.


It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since I joined Flywheel Strategy. Reflecting on this incredible journey, I’m filled with gratitude for being part of something so dynamic and impactful. When I first made the leap from a long-standing career in corporate environments, there was a lot of anxiety about stepping into the unknown. The transition was challenging, but the rewards have been immense.

At Flywheel Strategy, I’ve had the privilege of working not only with fantastic colleagues but also with inspiring founders who possess exceptional grit and determination to build the brands of their dreams. The diversity of brands and industries I’ve engaged with has been both enlightening and enriching. Supporting these founders in their business growth has been deeply fulfilling, and witnessing the tangible impact of my efforts on these brands is incredibly rewarding.
One of the highlights of my year was leading a panel on “Building Loyalty By Staying True to the Brand and Your Community” at the GELF conference in Los Angeles. Additionally, learning about Gen Z and their influence on brand success at the YMS conference, as well as meeting the incredible PION team in New York, was equally  eye-opening.

It’s been a joy to contribute to the growth and development of Flywheel Strategy over the past year. Being a part of this team and getting to work with our incredible plethora of clients and partners has significantly broadened my knowledge base, enhancing my strategic thought process and my ability to support founders and leaders effectively. Most importantly, being part of a women-led organization, where 50% of the team are parents, brings a unique understanding and appreciation for managing the motherhood tax, making the work environment supportive and empathetic.

As I look forward to the year ahead, I’m excited about the events and opportunities to connect with more brands and showcase all that Flywheel Strategy can offer. I’m thrilled to continue working with phenomenal brands and partners, unlocking growth, and driving success for the amazing companies we have the privilege to support. Here’s to many more years of growth and innovation at Flywheel Strategy!

To connect with Charu on her brand and marketing strategy frameworks, schedule time with her below.

May 24, 2024



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